Changsha Staherb Natural Ingredients Co.,Ltd
Country: China (Mainland)
Business Type: Trading Company
Tel: 86-731-84213302/18374838656
Tel: +8613657431735
Tel: +8613548561509
Tel: +86-13687391670
Tel: +86-18975842720
Products:10:1 Ligustilide 1% natural angelica extract
Latin name: Angelica.sinensis(oliv.)Diels
Molecular Formula: C12H14O2
CAS NO: 4431-01-0
Active ingredients: Ligustilide 1%;7:1; 10:1
Part used: Root
Appearance:Lt.yellow fine powder
Odour: Strongly aromatic;
Testing type: HPLC
For more product information pls contact email
Dong quai is an aromatic herb that grows in China, Korea, and Japan. The reputation of Don quai is second only to Ginseng and is considered the ultimate, all-purpose woman''''''''s tonic herb. It is used for almost every gynecological complaint from regulating the menstrual cycle to treating menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal changes.
Dong Quai( Latin name: Angelica sinensis) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and Native American medicine for centuries. The plant is related to both parsley and celery and is most commonly used to treat cramps and pain during menstruation as well as to ease some of the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, night sweats). Dong quai is frequently referred to as "female ginseng" to suggest its "balancing" or adaptogenic effect on the menstrual period.
1.Balancing effect on the female hormonal system, regulating monthly periods.
2.Remedy cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure.
3.Treating anemia, and assisting women through the difficult transition of menopause