Changsha Staherb Natural Ingredients Co.,Ltd
Country: China (Mainland)
Business Type: Trading Company
Tel: 86-731-84213302/18374838656
Tel: +8613657431735
Tel: +8613548561509
Tel: +86-13687391670
Tel: +86-18975842720
Rosemary oil is one of the world’s most common and most famous essential oils that are used in a variety of therapeutic modalities particularly in aromatherapy, infection management and prevention, and hair loss managements. This perennial herb is a member of the mint family and has been used extensively in different cuisines of the world. In the Middle Ages however, rosemary was often associated with marriage or wedding rites where the bride was expected to wear headpiece made of rosemary. This myth could have been borne from Greek mythology where Aphrodite was believed to have been born from Uranus’ semen with rosemary draped around her. Hence, rosemary was always believed to be some sort of a love charm.
Staherb Rosemary essential oil Function: